Год сдачи в учебное заведение: 2012 г.
Город в котором сдавалась учебный материал Волгоград.
Стоимость данной работы без скидки: 3500 руб. (подробнее о скидках вам раскажет менеджер по работе с клиентами)
Количество страниц: 67 стр.
Вид работы: Дипломная.
Introduction 3
Theoretical Part 6
1. Etymological review of Latin borrowings in different periods of history 6
1.1. Borrowings during Dark Ages 6
1.2. Borrowings during Middle Ages 7
1.3. Loans during the Renaissance 8
1.4. Replenishing the english vocabulary during the Industrial Age 9
1.5. English in Modern Times 10
2. Aspects of Latin borrowings in the English language through the chronological criteria 12
2.1. Latin borrowings of the Old English language 12
2.2. Latin influence during the Christianization of Britain 14
2.3. The role of Latin borrowings from the Benedictine Reform till Modern Times 16
3. Spheres of functioning of Latin borrowings in the English language 17
3.1. Medical sphere 17
3.2. Sphere of new technologies 18
3.3. Legal sphere 19
3.4. Philosophy 20
3.5. Chemical sphere 21
3.6. Latin borrowings of wide usage 22
3.7. Doublets of Latin-Germanic words 22
4. Semantic and structural features of Latin borrowings in the English language 23
4.1. Classification according to the nature of borrowings 23
4.2. Historical classification of Latin borrowings 25
4.3. The degrees of assimilation 26
Practical Part 28
1. Latin borrowings in English newspaper articles 28
1.1. Functioning of Latin borrowings in English newspaper articles 28
1.2.Characteristic features of Latin borrowings in english newspaper articles 38
2. Latin borrowings in english scientific essays 44
2.1. Functioning of Latin borrowings in english scientific essays 44
2.2. Characteristic features of Latin borrowings in english scientific essays 53
Conclusion 57
Bibliography 59
Appendix 62
List of Latin borrowings used in the work and analyzed features 62
Выдержка из работы
The theme of our investigation – “The role of Latin borrowings in replenishing the English vocabulary” – is very important today. Condition of modern English vocabulary is very interesting for many investigators.
The role of borrowings in different languages is various and depends on the development condition in every language. In the English language the percentage of borrowings is much higher than in other languages. The reason of it is the fact that the English language in its history was very permeable to other languages and had the opportunity to borrow foreign words because of direct contacts with other countries (conquests, invasions, trade and commercial contacts, expansion and colonialist activity).
Theoretical Part
1. Etymological review of Latin borrowings in different periods of history
From the point of view of etymology the English language is not homogenous. Of course, we can say it about almost every language in the world. Every language consists of two layers:
- the native stock of words;
- the borrowed stock of words .
As L. Correli says, the English native stock of words comprises only thirty per cent of all English vocabulary. The rest of the words are borrowed in fact. But native words are the base of word formation. They have “lexical and grammatical valency, they are highly polysemantic and productive in forming word clusters and set expressions” .
So proceeding from all mentioned above we can draw a conclusion that Latin borrowings play a great role in replenishing the English vocabulary. The history of the English language is very rich in contacts with different countries. In accordance with this fact we can affirm that only twenty five per cent of English vocabulary is native word stock. The rest seventy five are borrowings from different languages such as Scandinavian, French, Norman, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, American English, German, Holland, Russian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian, Arabic, African, Chinese, Japanese, Australian and of course Latin.
As for the Latin borrowings, there is still a great amount of them also in the modern English. Words were borrowed into the English language throughout the English history. The preconditions for it were wide contacts of the Germanic tribes with the Romans, the trade occupation of the Teutons, slight Celtic influence, The Christianization of Britain, Benedictine Reform, etc.
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